Home > Artworks > Rafael Gurrea Sánchez

Photo of Rafael Gurrea Sánchez Spain

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Watercolorist, illustrator and graphic arts professional, it is natural Vitória, where he was born in 1939. He died on March 17, 2001 in Granada.

He studied drawing at the School of Arts and Crafts. He expanded his artistic training in Menorca and Valencia. During one stage of his life he worked for the company Fournier. In the late fifties he traveled to France, settling down in the early sixties in Germany. In 1966 he appears installed on Tenerife. It plays in the Association of

Awards received

  • 1993, Premio por España del internacional \"Arches\".
  • 1993, Primer premio \"Gaudí - 93\". Córdoba.
  • 1992, Accésit, Premio Gaudi - 92. Córdoba.
  • 1986, Premio \"Granada Dibujada\".6º Volumen
  • 1985, Segunda Medalla Nacional en el Salón de Otoño de Madrid
  • 1985, Premio \"María Reneses\".
  • 1985, Premio \"Granada Dibujada\".5º Volumen.

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19.69 x 13.78 in
19.69 x 13.78 in
24.02 x 18.11 in
13.39 x 19.69 in
19.69 x 25.59 in
24.02 x 18.11 in
25.59 x 19.69 in
21.65 x 18.11 in
13.78 x 19.69 in
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Watercolorist, illustrator and graphic arts professional, it is natural Vitória, where he was born in 1939. He died on March 17, 2001 in Granada.

He studied drawing at the School of Arts and Crafts. He expanded his artistic training in Menorca and Valencia. During one stage of his life he worked for the company Fournier. In the late fifties he traveled to France, settling down in the early sixties in Germany. In 1966 he appears installed on Tenerife. It plays in the Association of \"Asociación de acuarelistas canarios\". Then he harvest several awards designing posters on the carnivals of the island.

In 1976 he settled permanently in Granada, but he doesn\'t lose the contact with his hometown, Vitoria. He frequented the gallery \"Artelarre de Campo Ramón Cortazar\" in \"Cuesta de San Francisco\", resulting as a watercolorist assiduous presence at the annual collective that organized this exhibition space during \"La Blanca\" local fesat and Christmas. Among his numerous awards in the specialty water-based paint, stands the Second National Medal at the Salon d\'Automne in Madrid, in the edition of 1985. In addition to Vitoria, Tenerife and Granada, and Mallorca , he has exhibited in Madrid and numerous other localities in Andalusia (Jaen, Ubeda, Cordoba, Antequera, Almería ...). Also in Germany, particularly in Mannheim, Baden-Wurtenberg, and Munich.
The countless trips around the continent and throughout the regions of Spain have the appropiate reflection in his paintings.
Landscapist primarily,his watercolors are characterized by harmony and compositional balance of the scenes, skills exhibiting that shows the fine artist he was. One of his last appearances on Basque soil was in\" Luis de Ajuria, Vitoria\" gallery between February 25 and March 8, 2000. He participated in the group of Alava watercolorists, under the Basque Association.

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